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The Power of the Mind


I was diagnosed with cancer some years ago. Instead of undergoing debilitating surgery, chemotherapy and harmful broadcast radiation, I choose to go another route. For ten weeks straight I was strapped into a custom body cast and had radioactive protons shot into my cancer tumor. These invisible bullets were produced by a nuclear particle accelerator that spun off the energized protons, then were captured and guided into my body to go precisely where my tumor was, day after day with little or no side effects. It was like a high-powered sniper rifle, only killing the intended target instead of sending a bomb.

An estimated 40-50 million people died during the course of World War II. Tens of millions more were displaced from their homes, homeland and lost everything.

Both realities I described above have a very clear common denominator, they both started in someone’s mind. On one hand you have the genius mind of an individual who creates a machine to save lives without harming them, on the other hand you have one man’s mind that created an abominable, vile and evil plan for the destruction of millions of human beings. Both of these minds were a God-given gift. How they were used……..well, one mind was used for good, the other was used for evil and to defile its intended purpose.

One of Father’s greatest gifts to each of us is our mind. What are we going to do with it? Harnessed by Truth, our minds will lead us into a wonderful place of being. When you leave Truth out, what do you get? You get the corrupting seed of selfishness, sin and the sabotaging activity of our enemy leading us into all the ills of this world has ever experienced and ultimately an eternal demise.

The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. Romans 8:7

In this letter discussion with my father, I write about how Father God tells us to use His wonderful gift to us of our minds.


This letter was written to my father on January 27, 2019

The Power of the Mind

Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus. Philippians 2:5

Good morning Dad,

The mind. What a powerful tool. Besides the presence of our souls, the power of our mind is one of Father’s greatest gifts to us. Look what mankind has created with the gift of our minds and intellect. Astounding! Father has designed us to be creators like Himself. “You made them only a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor.” Psalm 8:5 NIV. Man, like the Creator, finds great satisfaction and enjoyment in creating. You are like that, Dad, you have always been on the top of your game when you are creating something. This is Father’s stamp on you. (And what a creator you are, looking at your beautiful bookshelf as I write!!)

As with anything, what was intended for “good” can always be taken and used against its intended purpose. The mind is the same way. This wonderful gift Father has given us, our mind, has been used to tear down what is “good, true and honorable.” Sin has wormed its way into every crevice of man’s intellect and brought forth every kind of malice and evil. History, be it the world’s or ours personally, is replete with episodes of evil and wrong doing, all brought about because of sin’s influence on the mind.

We cannot answer to this problem of mindful maleficence in others or the world. The only mind we can be responsible for is our own. It used to be, in my childhood, you would have to look hard for junk to put into your mind. Because of man’s creative mind, the access to junk and evil is only one click away. You don't have to look for it any longer, just be spiritually still for a bit and it will find you like a heat seeking missile.

What to do? The answer is having wisdom. Wisdom is the gate keeper to our mind. We choose what we allow to go into our minds. We can “turn away” and thwart the assault of evil on our minds, but we have to choose. As Proverbs 2:12-15 tells us, wisdom saves us from going down those paths in our minds that lead to destruction. “Garbage in, garbage out.” “We become what we think about most the time.” Both true statements. Wisdom keeps the garbage out. Wisdom directs us to think about what is “good, true, noble, right, pure and honorable.” See Philippians 4:8, it is Father’s instructions to us about what we allow into our minds. We have to admit it, the battle against sin in our lives most likely begins as a battle in our minds. What we allow in will be the director of our future. Show me your mind and I will see your future.

Wisdom always leads us to truth. What is truth? “I am the way and the truth...” Jesus. John 14:6 NIV. If we choose to put the things of Christ into our minds, then truth will battle the lies we will encounter. We can recognize the Liar and his lies quickly because truth will put a light on them. Truth will always repel lies. The more truth we have in our minds the more repellent we have ready for the enemy and his schemes.

I’m not naive. I am not saying we need to walk around with a Bible in our face. But we need to be in His truth, the Word, and put it into our minds regularly. The Word is living and powerful inside us. Hebrews 4:12. It’s not just words, it is His Spirit. It will speak to us when encountering evil, its alarm will go off. But it must be in us first for it to be alive and act for us as an “evil” detector and protector. How much more can the Holy Spirit do for us if He has the Word to activate inside us?

There is a raging battle out there looking to take us down and devour us Christ followers. The moment you open your eyes in the morning and most probably before, the battle starts. Why are we surprised at this? We are living behind enemy lines. The real question is what are we going to do about it; be the victim of the enemy's attacks because we choose to not prepare or fill our minds with the Truth?

“Let this mind be in you which was also in Jesus Christ.” NKJV

Love you Pops

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18. Sept. 2022

That’s what made the original sin so pervasive , the power to decide what is good and what is evil outside of the fathers directive. This first choice made based on “ human wisdom” ushered in pride and all manner of evil. God save us !

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18. Sept. 2022
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Thanks for the thoughts. And yes, Father can transform our mind to go towards what is good, true and pure. The saving part- all done by the power of the Son’s blood and belief on our part. Grace.

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